Saturday, November 16, 2019




What is the abbreviation? This question arises in the mind of every person whenever we see the word ABBREVIATION. we are not come here for learn what is abbreviation? we come here for understand that what is the meaning of this word.So basically the meaning of this word is- SHORT FORM of word.
For example- If we say to any person "hey Mister" or basically "Mister". then it is right but if we come to in the written format then it is more obvious to written Mister as Mr.
Hence the word word Mr. is the abbreviation of Mister and some more example are there as-
President can be written as Pres.
Misses can be written as Mrs. or Miss. etc.

And similarly we come in the other word which is Acronym.


it is also like as an abbreviation but here
  •  "It is a new word which is created from the initial letters of long word".
  • We spoke it or pronounced as whole word.
  • And the long word may be connected with the connecting word such as "and" or "of".
Example- NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration),
                 NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization).etc. 


In the context of "initialism" it is abbreviated(short) to it's initial letter and the letters are pronounced individually but not as whole word.
  • FBI(Federal Bureau of investigation),
  • CIA(Central Intelligence Agency),
  • FYI(For Your Information). etc.

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